Why Green Noise is Better For Your Baby’s (and your own) Sleep

As you know from previous posts, if you’re going to use a sound machine, we recommend low volume nature sounds over loud white noise. An important reason is the sensitivity of little ears and young brains, (which p.s., is why we are baffled at the level of noise that comes with smart bassinets and other baby products).

But beyond volume, we have reason to think that the brain is healthier when exposed to nature sounds than a static, unnatural sound. Babies and children are in their rooms - surrounded by the sounds produced by sound machines - for up to 12 hours at night and many hours during the day for naps. Loud, static noise is an unnatural sensory input that may cause irritation, stress, or overload while our brains should be busy disconnecting and sleeping. The human brain evolved against a backdrop of nature sounds, so low volume streams, rain, and animals, or what we consider “GREEN” noise are friendly to the sleeping brain.

No matter what noise you choose, make sure the volume is low and, if your baby, child, or you tend to wake up in the night, it’s best if the noise is continuous throughout the night, versus having a timer that switches it off.

Heather’s family opts for a sound machine with 5 different nature sounds, like water running in a brook, or a rain storm (no crashing thunder though), with intermittent crickets chiming in. Julie is a fan of sleeping an completely quiet room. What sounds does your family have at night? Send us your thoughts or questions: contact@thehappysleeper.com.


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